Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What's Up? - Status Report

So I thought it was time to catch up on the blog with everything that I have been doing lately. Last night I had a bit of a scare because my friend Cari texted me and asked why I took my blog down - it was missing! Thankfully this morning order has been restored.

On the 4th of July I ran and completed my first Peachtree Road Race. OK, so I didn't really run all the way, but I now have a new goal in mind next year for the time I want and I will be training differently. I am so glad I did it, it is something that I have wanted to do since high school but have always been afraid. Felt good to set a goal and meet it even though I had some fears.

Waiting to start:

Celebratory beer:

All in all, I had a fantastic holiday weekend. Saturday my friend Sarah and I met some guys at my pool and ended up hanging out with them all day and night. Not really prospects as two of them live down south and also the three of them talked to me about this lame 'relationship' that I am having still with John. My favorite part was when Tony told me that I was way to 'beautiful, smart and amazing' to be hung up on someone who obviously has their own issues that has nothing to do with me.

One of the guys in my new float:

All the support from them and also completing a goal I have had for so many years is really helping me to turn the corner on this John stuff for good. I was already in the frame of mind that our whiskey tasting plans this Friday would mark the end of it for me. This past weekend just reinforced it. At this point, I wonder if I even want to be friends with him, I know that it is time to really move on and I don't need to be concentrating any of my energy in that direction. Word!

Hopefully everyone had a wonderful time celebrating our independence and Angela's birthday!

Will try to update after Friday night if not before!



1 comment:

  1. Today's thought for you: If he was stupid enough to walk away be smart enough to let him go.
