I decided to see how I was doing on the possible transition of John to friend. The answer is - NOT there yet...
Here is what happened:
1. Sent exploratory text
2. Received witty and cute response
3. I laughed - loudly
4. became all glowy
Guess it isn't time yet and wondering if it really ever will be. It is hard when you find someone that you feel enriches your life and they don't feel the same way back. Or don't feel the same way back enough to actually let themselves take the next step.
I always become really introspective on Thursdays because that use to be our guaranteed date of the week. I always really miss the fun we had and all of the intimacy. Thankfully each week is getting better - I am just ready to be over it.
WHAT??!!! You texted him! I could have told you it was too soon for that. I'm sorry that it elicited sadness. I think waiting another month at minimum would be the best plan.